Welcome to BEACH, the Boston Economics and Computing Hub. Our research tends to: (1) apply a computational lens to economic problems, such as asking for tractable or approximate solutions, (2) apply an economic lens to computing problems, such as incentivizing strategic agents to run an algorithm, or (3) investigate other questions at this intersection.
We are cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional, comprised of researchers in computer science, economics, operations research and management, business, data science, and more, from across Boston University, Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, and Microsoft Research. Our calendar tries to capture the breadth of events going on in all of these different departments and universities across Boston related to computing and economics. To subscribe, click the google calendar link and press the "+" button in the lower right corner.
To join our mailing list, send an email to boston-ec-hub+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
We are still building the list of Boston-based EC resources! If you know of a researcher, seminar, or event that should be added to this website (or you are listed on the website but want to update your photo or listed research areas), please send us an email at beachdirectors@gmail.com.